Ice Cream Pride Onesie, by Kai
The Ice Cream Bird series, created by Kai, is a celebration of diversity and inclusivity. Inspired by a friend's bisexuality, Kai introduced rainbow-themed artwork to express support for gay rights. Kai incorporated pride flag colors into their art, with the Ice Cream Birds becoming a widespread favorite. This series appeals to a broad audience and offers a way for allies to show their support
Blue, white, and pink duckling : transgender
Blue, purple, and pink birds : bisexual
Grey, purple and yellow birds : nonbinary
Rainbow : pride
Yellow and pink: pansexual
Suggested text include In a world where you can be anything be kind
100% Cotton Screen-printed by hand with non-toxic ink in the USA. Heather colors are not 100% cotton. Wash in cold water and dry on low heat.
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