Be Social While Distant
Songbird Artistry wants to foster community and bring people together virtually for uplifting conversation and fun craft projects.
Here’s how "Be Social While Distant" works…
Purchase a crafting kit of your choice​
Kits can be mailed or picked up at Songbird Artistry.
We meet online using Zoom and socialize while having fun creating.
Craft Kits
Glow in the Dark Sticker Social - you will make a sticker, patch or piece of wall art, beginners welcome.
Nov 14, 7:00-9:00
Meet Laura Regan, new owner of the Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival
Purchase the kit(s) of your choice
String Art Social Kit $25.00 - beginners welcome
Purchase the kit(s) of your choice. Choose from four kit designs then we will schedule the social:
Learn to Cross Stitch Social Kit - you will learn the basic skill of cross stitching while connecting with other awesome folks in your community. Beginners welcome.
Advanced Cross Stitch Social Kit - you will learn advanced skills of cross stitching while connecting with other awesome folks in your community.
Pay It Forward Kits
Songbird Artistry understands that many of us are experiencing hardship and the need to create and socialize is important now more than ever. Please consider covering the cost of all or part of a kit, so a member of our community who is experiencing financial hardship can participate in the crafting social. Please email Debo1960@aol.com to request a free or pay what you can kit. We cannot promise kits to everyone, but will do our best to fill every order.​
Are you kids missing their friends?
Do you miss your book club?
How can you celebrate a birthday?
Book a craft social for you group. Ask about our group discounts.